Capital Insurance Group wishes to advice all our stakeholders and clients that for the well-being and health of all our staff we have made a decision to close our PNG office, located at TISA Haus Waigani for the next 2 weeks starting Friday 19th of March.
We will reoccupy the office on Tuesday the 6th of April, and during this time, we will allow our staff to do self-isolation and get professional cleaners to disinfect the office. All our staff will work remotely with full access to the technology systems to ensure your business continues without delay or disruption. When sending emails to your CIG contacts, we also encourage you to cc copy the following contacts.
- General Insurance
Underwriting –
Claims –
- Medical/Life Insurance
Underwriting –
Claims –
- Managers Contact
General Insurance UW Manager – Udu Vai, email:, mobile: 70321 733
General Insurance Claims Manager – Kone Hera, email:, mobile: 75596 198
Medical/Life UW Manager – Tuena Memeho, email:, mobile: 73233 271
Medical/Life Claims Manager – Miranda Singut, email:, mobile: 73233 263
You can also email us on the following:
We apologize for any inconvenience, however it is in the best interest of all stakeholders given the recent increase in Covid cases.